TFI at the 111th CAA Annual Conference
The Feminist Institute Feb 15, 2023 2 Minute Read
Are you attending this year’s College Art Association Conference? See Marie Williams Chant, TFI’s Director of Archives and Special Projects, speak at the College Art Association Conference during The Feminist Art Project Affiliated Society Session, Dead Stop: Feminist Artists’ Legacies, this Thursday, February 16th.

Copyright held by the Estate of Mary Beth Edelson; preserved through a partnership with The Feminist Institute. See record
Her presentation, “Feminist Ethics of Care and Legacy Building at The Feminist Institute,” discusses how TFI is situated within the history of women’s memory organizations and how feminist ethics of care power our postcustodial partnership program. She also provides a case study of our work with feminist artist Mary Beth Edelson.
Through our partnership program, we offer essential legacy-building resources, funding, and archival support. We develop custom solutions to preserve archival fonds at risk of being lost, digitize and provide digital access to hidden collections in storage, and maintain digital projects without infrastructure support, ensuring that data can be platform-agnostic for long-term access.
We hope to see you there!
This blog post is also available on our Substack.